—By Xin Wang
On August 29th, DFWCIA hosted the third member meetup in 2021. The theme was “Cracking the Job Interview”. Xuyong Tu, the Vice President of the membership department organized the event and served as the moderator. Speakers from Goldman Sachs, Jojo He, and Julia Liang, gave presentations about “Acing the coding challenges” and “Winning the tough interview” respectively.
Jojo started with her academic background and how she converted from a non-computer science Ph.D. student to a full-time SDE. She introduced several good resources for coding practice, such as coding website leetcode, mock interview website interviewing.io, and interview questions website 1acre3points. Besides the preparation materials, she also talked about two excellent coding practices methods in detail: the rabbit and turtle methods. The audience was very interested in her presentation and asked questions such as oa (online assessment), system design, 1acre3points membership, etc.
Julia’s presentation topic was “Winning the tough interview”. Julia first provided an outlook of the post-COVID job market. Then she talked about when to change your job and how to position yourself in the job market. After deciding to move forward with job hunting, Julia suggested doing research and nailed down the “target” and “reach” companies. Julia then shared tips on tackling the tough interviews, including answering typical behavioral questions using the STAR model. Xin Wang, the VP of operation, then brought up questions from the audience like SDE career path and how soon one can move on to the next job position.
Ninety-five people joined the meeting, and twelve of them registered as members after the meeting. Many audiences had broadened their job interview knowledge and were inspired to take action to practice what they learned from the meeting to prepare for their future interviews. We believe today’s meeting will help our audiences to tackle tough interviews and become more successful during their job hunting endeavor.